How user-friendly is your website on a phone screen?

Ever since April 2015, Google has been progressively updating its search algorithms to favor websites that display well on mobile devices, such as phones and tablets. Recently, Google took another giant step in this direction.

Bottom line—even if your website is built upon a mobile-responsive template, it still might not be truly mobile-friendly. And this means that fewer and fewer people will find you online (who would otherwise be finding you).

As you’ll see in the featured article from Fortune, there are additional things to consider in making your website easy-to-navigate for mobile users, which now make up the majority of total users. Google advises companies to “follow the best practices for mobile-first indexing.”

Some of these include text size, amount of space between links, and how content displays on small screens. Find out more: 

Often, you can test a website yourself by opening it on your phone to see how easy it is to conduct the intended end-user actions of the site, such as making a purchase, locating specific information, signing up for an event, etc.

To take things a step further, we recommend using Google’s newly-refreshed Mobile Friendly Test: 

And remember—the reason behind all these technical “gottas” and “bewares” is the people we serve with our ministries. If most people are on mobile, this is just one way we can meet them where they are.

There’s always more to learn in this ever-changing online arena. Find out more SEO and Webmaster tips, and feel free to share with your friends, co-workers, or constituency.

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