“What are some ways an online missionary can use Facebook Live for evangelism purposes?”

Facebook Live remains one of the most effective ways to draw an audience. One click gives you instant access to your friends’ timelines. But how can you use such a powerful tool for evangelism and mission?

Here are 6 ideas:

1. Facebook Live Cooking Lessons

People are concerned about health. Adventists have a message that can change the lives of millions of people and one aspect of our message relates to diet. The next time you’re cooking a healthy, delicious meal, turn on your phone and go live!

You don’t have to look like a pro and things don’t have to go smoothly. People want to see something real and relatable. During your cooking demonstration, share how God desires us to be healthy and gave us laws to help us live healthy lives. Having your Bible nearby along with books like Counsels on Food and Diet will help you answer questions that your audience have. End your cooking lessons with a personal invitation to your church or maybe an online Bible study about God’s health laws.

2. Facebook Live Exercise Sessions

Do you love exercising and sharing the Gospel? Why not combine the two on Facebook Live? If you exercise regularly, you may be an encouragement to others who want to get in shape. There are viewers who are always interested in learning new exercise moves and healthy habits. If you are not a professional trainer, we don’t recommend going beyond sharing what works for you.

Use these sessions to explore God’s health plan for His people. Because health is such a broad topic, it helps to tackle fresh content from a biblical perspective. For example, 1 Corinthians 9:25 can be a good starting point in sharing how discipline is crucial for both spiritual and physical development and strength.

3. Facebook Live Q&As

  • on Finance and Debt

Even Forbes Magazine notices that God has a lot to say about money. It’s safe to conclude that finances, possessions, and stewardship should be an integral part of our evangelism strategy since these are some of the most common subjects in the Bible. Click “Go Live” and have an interview with a finance professional about getting out of debt.

Most conferences and local churches have a stewardship director who you can get ideas from. Perhaps you know someone who is financially healthy and they might be willing to share what works for them. The aim of the interview should be to present finances and debt from a biblical standpoint. Invite your viewers to ask questions and show them answers from God’s Word. Without using the words “Bible study,” you just had a Bible study on finances on Facebook live.

  • on Bible Questions

This may seem like an obvious way to use Facebook for evangelism but we’ve noticed individuals speaking to their audience rather than engaging with them. Social media exists for the purpose of interacting – creating a two-way street. Choose a Bible topic (or use Google to see which questions are most popular) and have a few friends tune in and post questions to get the discussion started. It helps to have a specific focus area instead of focusing on a broad range of subjects.

For example, many people are curious about what happens at death or whether there’s a hell. Others want to know why God would allow so much pain and suffering if He indeed were sovereign. Don’t shy away from letting the Bible speak for itself. If you don’t know the answer to a question someone asks, it’s alright to say, “I don’t know.” It’s better to acknowledge that you have more to learn then pretend you know everything and give wrong answers.

5. Stream a Group Discourse

One Sabbath afternoon after lunch, a group of women began discussing health issues and different things they did each day that helped them stay healthy. The group was diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, age, and marital status. Each lady had questions that another could answer. After a while, they decided to extend their conversation online. Propping a phone on a stack of books, they went live and began answering questions from online viewers. Many appreciated and learned from the discussion.

Instantly, a circle of women grew from five to five hundred. That moment was used to share biblical perspectives on areas such as women health, marriage, and dating. The women encouraged viewers to engage and share thoughts. Through this simple method of going live, a door for evangelism opened. Sabbath afternoons present an opportune time to engage your online audience about God’s Word and its impact on everyday life.

6. Facebook Live How-to Videos

Live videos are most successful when there is a climax; if there’s something happening. Instead of ‘talking heads’ videos, you can stream how-to videos. While your live stream video may not always be overtly evangelistic in nature, the aim is to meet the needs of your digital community. Teach them something that they want to know. By doing so, you open a digital door for more evangelistic efforts.

For example:

  • How to put your baby to sleep using scripture lullabies
  • How to conduct online Bible studies
  • How to create a resume
  • How to pack for a mission trip
  • How to introduce yourself in (insert a language here)
  • How to play Great is thy Faithfulness on the guitar

A Step Further

There are many ways to do online mission work. Facebook Live is only one tool and these are only a few ideas. Remember, one of the aims of online evangelism is to connect your digital contacts with a local community of faith. Go a step further and end your live videos by encouraging your audience to visit a local Adventist church or starting a small group in their home. Share online resources that could help them grow in their relationship with Christ.

Have more ideas? Share them on our Facebook page.